Bring your group to Creekside for a unique adventure!
The following activities are perfect for Scouts, Guides, or Youth Groups of any description. Contact for more information about availability.
- Low Tide Walk in Deptford Creek - A wild adventure in the city, this walk will explore the history, ecology and geography of the local area. Participants are sure to increase their confidence by taking part in this adventurous walk, also have the opportunity to catch and identify the animals that live in the Creek. We want to give young people a sense of place and pride in their local area, and help them to observe the living world around them.
- Perfect for Cubs and Cubs and Scouts looking to acheive their Naturalist, Environmental Conservation, or Local Knowledge (Heritage) badges.
- Also perfect for Brownies and Guides aiming towards Archeology and Explore badges.
- Weekend, holiday, and evening (Apr-Oct) availabilty. Enquire for full availability
- £230 for a 2 hour walk with our expert guides. Up to 20 young people and 5 adults. Waders and sticks provided!
"It was really good - a very interesting experience!" - Cub Leader, 1st New Cross Scouts
- Environmental STEM - Go further with this activity, which encourages young people to think critically about how science, technology, engineering and maths can be applied to help protect the environment. You will experience a mixture of indoor and outdoor learning opportunities during this visit. A full day trip, including a Low Tide Walk, this activity is perfect for groups looking to challenge budding young naturalists and nature defenders.
- Perfect for Scouts aiming for their Naturalist, Environmental Conservation, or Scientist badges.
- Excellent activity for Explorers to complete part of their Naturalist badge.
- Guides can contribute to their Campaigning badge by completing this activity.
- Weekend and holiday availability.
- £350 for a 4 hour activity including a Low Tide Walk in Deptford Creek and a break for lunch. Up to 20 young people and 5 adults
- **Some subsidised Environmental STEM sessions are available for local groups, please enquire to to find out if your group is eligible**
"Such an interesting and fun day, we all enjoyed it so much. It was great to link engineering to nature - many young people I work with think many careers have nothing to do with climate change or the natural world, you put it beautifully if not a bit muddily into context!" - Group Leader, Ambition, Aspire, Achieve