Further learning resources

Continue your Creekside learning journey

We are proud to welcome so many learners to Creekside Discovery Centre each year. For many it may be the only time they visit this wonderful place for the whole year, or maybe even longer. To help extend the learning journey for our visitors we have created some downloable worksheets that will develop on the topics discussed in our learning programmes. 

The first set of resources are all about rivers - if you're interested in other topics check back later as we build our bank of resources, or email us at education@creeksidecentre.org.uk to let us know what topics you would like to see featured!

Learning about rivers

Lots of visitors are lucky enough to walk in Deptford Creek, or along the river all the way to the Thames. These resources are suitable for:

  • KS2 students preparing for a Rivers at Low Tide, Habitats at Low Tide, or River Mouth Walk
  • KS2 students who have recently visited for any of these sessions! 
  • Home learners interested in rivers, urban ecology, and history
  • Scouts and other youth groups who are visiting soon or have just visited

Teachers, parents and carers - if you use these resources and have any feedback then please email us at education@creeksidecentre.org.uk to let us know! 

Downloadable resources

  • Pre-visit activity:

    • The Creekside Challenge! Watch the video and complete the worksheet to tell us why rivers are so important! 

Creekside Challenge Worksheet - PDF

  • Post-visit activity:

    • Remembering your journey. Think back on your visit, and all the other things you saw moving around, over, under, and through Deptford Creek. Can you use what you learned at Creekside to complete the tasks?

Remembering our journey in Deptford Creek worksheet - PDF